Thursday, January 14, 2010

400 reps???

talk about extreme exercising! jeez, that's my husband, when it comes to exercise, he is C-R-A-Z-Y! i wish i had that much motivation and dedication. And you would think that in the 3 years that we've been married some of that would have rubbed off on me, but nope, not even close.

We're total opposites sometimes, i crave french fries and cake and he could care less what he eats as long as its protein. Needless to say this causes many quarrels at times and not just about what's for dinner but about going out to eat, and what we're eating. Sometimes i think i over indulge in junk food to piss him off because i can't stand when he says you shouldn't be eating that. Yes i know, but I'm going to anyways. If he would just keep his mouth shut then i will come around on my own, like i have been and hope to stay on the right track for 2010. So far so good, but we're only into the 14th day of the year so it hasn't been that hard.

So today marks the day that the 'get fit for 2010' plan comes into action. Yes i will be exercising this afternoon. I had to scam a gym buddy into coming with me but I'm going to do it! i even brought my gym bag to work yesterday so i wouldn't have any excuses that i forgot my stuff. It should be interesting, i have no idea what to expect from my gym buddy (who also happens to be my boss).

I would rather workout with my husband because of his extreme ways he does challenge me to work harder just by saying 'I'm going to do this and you can try that'. We used to workout together and then i got pregnant and started sitting on my butt instead, which wasn't the best decision but oh well, now I'm paying for it. And since i cancelled my gym membership to the gym near my home, and haven't tried to renew it yet because 1) i want to make sure that i will be working out and not just throwing money away and 2) if i can get into this routine then i will be willing to add this expense each month to the budget again. In the meantime, its the office gym! Which isn't too bad actually, we have a lot of equipment and got newer equipment when we moved to this new building 2 years ago.

Well, off to get some work done and then get moving, wish me luck =)

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